Все публикации

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CNC Plasma cut steel angle grinder holders

Plasma cutting ends for an railing tube

CNC Plasma cutting sign

DDCSV plasma cutter first cuts with thc

CNC Plasma with floating torch and probing test

Plasma cutting on my cnc router...first try

Cnc stepper nema 23 over 50kg of power

Trochoidal aluminium milling

surfacing cnc aluminium bed with the new Z axis.With linear rails and 1.5kw aircooled spindle

Surfacing the aluminium bed

1.5kw Air cooled spindle and VFD

Cnc router engraving name on wood with vbit

2 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Cnc router facing aluminium plate

Cnc router setup

c-beam cnc with solid aluminum bed and wirelles

New c-beam Cnc router build

z1000 2004

Mpcnc cutting aluminium

Mpcnc cutting aluminium

Mpcnc 10mm acrylic cut

MPCNC build

Accuracy test vs a laser distance meter.