Все публикации

10 Unforgivable Band of Brothers MISTAKES

This was incredible acting... #titanic #katewinslet

You Didn't Know About The Drawing Scene #titanic

Amazing Story From Titanic #titanic #history #leonardodicaprio

10 Fascinating Titanic Details You Missed

What if You Lived Every Life in History? #alternateuniverse #history

What if Germany Won WW1? #history #alternatehistory

A different world... #history #alternatehistory #koreanwar

Please save him... #timemachine #timetravel

Interesting guy... #timetravel #timemachine

Not a great world... #whatif #alternateuniverse #nuclearwar

cool guy... #jesus #timetravel

Stay away from them... #whatif #blackhole

Is it even a good sandwich? #butterflyeffect #jesus #mcdonalds

A different world... #whatif #alternateuniverse #ww2

The HBO Rome miniseries is really good... #ancientrome #timemachine #timetravel

the 1950s accent sounded so dumb... #timetravel #timemachine #1950s

Okay but she was a little annoying... #history #horrorstories

He needs your help... #timetravel #timemachine #history

Are flat earthers right? #whatif #flatearth #alternateuniverse

Juan Pujol García: The Spy Who Ended World War II

The Black Forest Hiking Disaster

The Lost Colony Of Roanoke Island

A Slice of History: The Rise of Chicago's Meat Industry