Все публикации

Sean Spicer: 'You think the President cares about a few thousand dollars?'

Sean Spicer: 'Coming to America is a privilege not a right'

Donald Trump blast Hillary Clinton over Russia uranium sale

Donald Trump slams CNN reporter 'I don't have to tell you anything'

Ted Cruz destroys Bernie Sanders 30 trillion dollar healthcare plan

Ted Cruz rips Bernie Sanders argument over Obamacare to shreds

Thomas Sowell - Why welfare is a failing the poor

Thomas Sowell - What people get wrong about poverty

Vice Presidential debate highlights | Mike Pence and Tim Kaine on Taxes

Vice Presidential debate highlights | Mike Pence and Tim Kaine on Immigration

Vice Presidential debate highlights | Mike Pence and Tim Kaine on ISIS

Vice Presidential debate highlights. Mike Pence and Tim Kaine on Syria

Trey Gowdy destroys FBI for Withholding Information About Hillary Clinton's Interview

Can the Government provide free stuff? - Milton Friedman

Trey Gowdy slams congress for lack of immigration enforcement

Milton Friedmans best moments #2

Ben Shapiro thoughts on Hillary Clinton collapsing at 9/11 memorial

Thomas Sowell - The effects of the welfare state

Milton Friedmans case against equal pay for equal ( wage gap )

Milton Friedman on universal health care

Milton Friedman on the power of the free market

Milton Friedman on the immorality of socialism

Milton Friedman on the true cause of the Great Depression

Milton Friedman on taxing the rich to help the poor