Все публикации

UNICEF Representative Sheldon Yett's visit in #Sudan's #Atbara

Volunteers at a safe learning space in Darfur provide healing to children | #Sudan crisis

First UN mission to #Darfur's Zelingei, Jebel Marra and Tawilla

Sudan’s children face climate and conflict challenges

UNICEF is staying and delivering #ForEveryChild in #Sudan

Story of a vaccinator: Going the extra mile to stop poliovirus spread | #Sudan

A frontline nutritionist in North Darfur committed to save lives

Clean and safe water transforms lives in rural communities in #Kassala | #Sudan

Families displaced from Sennar state due to fighting

Mohamed's displacement journey: #Sudan's war

Eiman's story: a displaced girl with disabilities found safety in a child friendly space in #Gedaref

Disease Outbreak Explainer: What you can do to prevent the spread of diseases

Asaad's journey from malnutrition to health

Separated by war: “I don't want her to be separated from her mother forever.”

How does using a simple bowl and spoon help to combat malnutrition in #Sudan?

Baraa's journey from malnutrition to health

Dengue Fever Explainer: What you need to know to prevent the spread of diseases | #Sudan

A mother recounts her journey fleeing from Sennar state | #Sudan crisis

Story of Fatima, a mother of seven, fled violence in North Darfur, #Sudan

Unite with the Children of Sudan | UNICEF, USAID, Save the Children

Plight of a mother in El Fasher: Thuraya and her son fled war in North Darfur, #Sudan

Voices of children in El Fasher: 7-year-old Retaj fled clashes in North Darfur, Sudan

'I wish we hadn't left the house' 17-year-old Magfera survived bombing in #Darfur, #Sudan

Communal kitchens in #Khartoum signal hope and resilience for those trapped in #Sudan conflict