Все публикации

2. Register account at OneSignal website

6. Add notification service extension

7. Install One Signal SDK using Cocoapods

11. Send push notification from the app

8. Complete setup and run on device

9. Send push notification from one signal website

3. Create App ID and configure Push Certificates

1. Design the Push Notification app

5. Upload P12 certificates and complete set up

4. Generate P12 certificates

10. Get user's player ID for sending push notification

Command Shift O to open file quickly

Use the option key to see the distance between controls

Media library and adding image without adding uiimageview

Options to bring up the heirarchy of views to make selection easier

Give names to controls on the document outline

Project-wide variable rename

Change variable name in scope

Add breakpoint exception

Using outlet collections

Add tokens to code snippet

Control drag between views to set layout constraints

Code snippet with shortcut

Use installed checkbox to temporarily remove a view from the scene