Все публикации

Shear Centre Analysis - my new Book

Rotational Frames - Rigid Body Dynamics

Composite Materials - Laminate Analysis

Composite Materials - Part II

Composite Materials - Part I

Plate Analysis - Part III

Plate Analysis - Part II

Plate Analysis - Part I

3. Finite Element Matrices (Weak Formulation for Elasticity)

2. Weak Formulation - Introduction

1. Weighted Residuals - Galerkin’s and Collocation Methods

4. Isoparametric Quadrilateral Element for Plane Stress - Part I

Aileron Reversal (Aeroelasticity)

10 - Tutorial - SF and BM diagrams

9 - Tutorial - Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies III

8 - Tutorial - Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies II

7 - Tutorial - Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies I

6 - Tutorial - Equivalent System Force-Moment II

5 - Tutorial - Equivalent System Force-Moment I

4 - Tutorial - Equilibrium of a Particle III + IV

3 - Tutorial - Equilibrium of a Particle II

2 - Tutorial - Equilibrium of a Particle I

1 - Tutorial - Vector Analysis

6 - Shear Force SF and Bending Moment BM diagrams