Все публикации

ISME Social Media Impact 2024

Do you know?

Our Stories, Our Members - Rebecca Brown

Don't Miss Montreal 2026

#passthemelody challenge

Pass the Melody Challenge: Share Your Song, Gift Music to the World! 🎶

From Helsinki to Montreal. Will you be there?

Support Music Education with our new merchandise! 🎶

Our Stories, Our Members Teaser - Dr. Martina Vasil

'Maestra' Check Description for how to Support!

The 'Amazing' Gordon Lee

2024-2026 ISME Board Members

The 36th ISME World Conference Opening Ceremony was a huge success!

World Champion Harmonica Player - Gordon Lee

My Walk with ISME

Check out the Kantele @Nora Laiho

2023 Parsons Music Advocacy Award

Opening Day Performance!!!

Bringing us Together! ISME opening keynote with Andre de Quadros.

Opening Keynote #isme2024

Gordon Lee at the 36th ISME World Conference #isme2024 #flightofthebumblebee

ISME Merchandise Available www.ismestore.org

70th Anniversary - Interview with Gary McPherson

ISME Cafe Online 2024-How History Matters in Music Education: Opportunities and Methods