Все публикации

This Champion DESTROYED League Of Legends

90%WR TO DIAMOND!? | SEASON 14 Kayn Guide

I Climbed From Silver To Diamond In Just 3 Months

How I Got to Masters Using ONE Simple Trick

Akali Funny Moment

Shaco Mind Games - Nemesis 2v2

#1 Korean Irelia - The Boss

IrelKing vs Lux

Crazy Yasuo Outplay

Renekton Domination - Lourlo

Gwen Moment - Bwipo


World Smallest Orrn

Dzukill Yone vs Warwick

Thebausffs - Darius Moment!?

Saskio Vayne Moment

Biceps King - Sett Best Moments

Unkillable Jax Moment

2v2v2v2 Nemesis Ekko

Bwipo Olaf Moment

2v2v2v2 Tanks are Balanced

Broxah Best Moments

2v2v2v2 Pinkward Shaco

Nemesis Karthus 1v3