Все публикации

Weil's insight: A Lefschetz fixed point formula for varieties?

Zeta functions for varieties over finite fields

What are the Weil conjectures about?

Galois cohomology and descent data

Central simple algebras as twisted forms of matrix algebras

Descent data and twisted forms

Grothendieck topologies

Fibre products and Galois covers

Etale cover - open cover analogy

Difference Operator

The simply connected or universal covering space


Fundamental Group of Circle and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Linear Ordinary Differential Equations

ExponentialGenerating Functions

Counting and bijections

Catalan numbers

Counting monomials

Taylors theorem

Analytic Power Series

Ratio test for convergence

Cauchy products and absolutely convergent series

Cauchy Completeness and existence of limits.

Lifting properties of covers and deck transformations