Все публикации

Why I love Being a Software Engineer

Every developer needs these 5 Skills!

My Salary and Expenses as a Software Engineer in 2024

Switching Jobs is Harder Than You Think | Day in the Life

I Switched to Mac After a Lifetime of Windows

New Office Tour | A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer

How I Made $500K in Crypto & Lost It Overnight

How i made a game in JavaScript with no experience

How to get a Job as a Software Engineer!

Best Developer Side Hustles for 2024

How much money do Software Engineer REALLY make?

Why Most People FAIL to Learn Programming

You CAN'T learn Software Engineering in 3 months!

How I would learn to code (if I could start over in 2024)

A Day in the Life of a Software Engineer... WFH

How is it to work in Switzerland?

Are you SMART enough to be a Software Engineer?

My working from home productivity setup

Is working remote as a Software engineer ACTUALLY cool?

My Salary & Expenses as a Software Engineer in Switzerland

What i ACTUALLY do as a Software developer!

How to become a Software Developer Without a CS Degree

Day in the life of a 21 year old Software Engineer in Switzerland