Все публикации

Pros and cons of using an internal audit checklist

Why does everyone fail on 60601 testing?

What is happening with the 4th edition of 60601-1?

Is read and understood acceptable as training in the medical device industry?

Process Validation for Medical Devices - Short Course

Why do medical device product development projects finish late?

Video testimonial from Yakir Yaniv, ED&U

SaMD (Software as Medical Device) 101: 3 types of validations

A quick start on the EU MDR – A short practical guide

FMEA vs ISO 14971

Managing and documenting SOUP and OTS in medical device software

Introduction to different classifications rules for medical device software

Short course on PRRC - Person responsible for regulatory compliance

How much does a clinical investigation cost?

The responsibilities of a clinical investigation sponsor

How to create a medical device work breakdown structure

Clinical research for your medical devices

How to do a clinical investigation in less than 12 months

Short course on SaMD (Software as a medical device), IEC 62304 and IEC 82304-1

The value of the ISO 14155 standard for clinical investigations

Project management in the medical device industry

Post-market surveillance as a medical device requirement in the EU

Bloopers: Recording Introduction to Clinical Investigation for Medical Devices and ISO 14155

Bloopers: Recording Introduction to Usability Engineering and IEC 62366-1