Все публикации

Tutorial - 4 | Mocking External Calls | Automate Regression Testing with Unlogged.io

Generating JUnit Tests for your java code in minutes

Tutorial - 3 | Increase Code Coverage | Automate Regression Testing with Unlogged.io

Tutorial - 2 | Replay with Assertions | Automate Regression Testing with Unlogged.io

Tutorial - 1 | Record and Replay | Automate Regression Testing with Unlogged.io

Unlogged Presentation | Secrets of Automation Testing

Gojek Presentation | Secrets of Automation Testing

Moengage Presentation | Secrets of Automation Testing

Postman Presentation | Secrets of Automation Testing

Javafest 23 | LIVE

How Does Atomic run work?

What is Atomic Run?

Atomic Run - replay only the changed code and know what you are breaking.

Unlogged ChatGPT integration

Instant Unit tests boilerplate with syntax analysis + synthetic events

Instant Boilerplate for Unit Tests

Generating Boilerplate for Unit Tests

Mocking External APIs with Unlogged

Using Unlogged to auto-generate unit tests for a maven + springboot project

Generating unit tests for a Maven/SpringBoot project using Unlogged

Unlogged for writing your unit tests!

Auto Generate unit tests for your java code in minutes

Using Unlogged with Gradle

unlogged install