Все публикации

What is Color? | Theory of Goethe

Goethe's Metamorphosis of Plants

Introduction to Nietzsche + Reading List

How are we self-conscious? (Fichte, Lacan and Zizek)

Giving Fichte a Chance (Fichte, Zizek and Lacan)

The End of Capitalism (Marx, Zizek, Althusser)

A Reconstruction of Kant's Greatest Argument

Kant's Transcendental Aesthetic

Introduction to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason

Lacan's Graphs of Desire: Part II

Lacan's Graphs of Desire: Part I

The Lacanian Subject (Descartes and Lacan)

The Psychology of 'Don't Look Up'

Our Sickness Unto Death: Part II | Søren Kierkegaard

Our Sickness Unto Death: Part I | Søren Kierkegaard

Why Life Is Suffering | Schopenhauer and Lacan

Our World as Will and Representation | Arthur Schopenhauer

Why Do We Ask The Question 'Why'? | The Principle of Sufficient Reason (Schopenhauer)

Ecology As The New Opium Of The Masses (Zizek)

Coke as the Sublime Object of Happiness (Zizek)

Objet Petit a: The Object-cause of Desire (Lacan and Zizek)

The Imaginary, Symbolic and the Real: Register Theory of Lacan (Lacan and Zizek)

The Signifier and the Signified (Lacan, Saussure and Zizek)

The Physical and the Metaphysical model of the Universe (Eliade, Peterson and Nietzsche)