Все публикации

Nahum 1-3 | God is patient, but mighty

Jonah 1-4 | Jonah and the whale

Joel 1-3 | Locust’s Plagues

Haggai 1-2 | Rebuilding the Temple

Habakkuk 2 | Wait for the Lord’s Answer

1 Kings 22 | The Death of Ahab

1 Kings 20 | If you trust God, He will go before you

1 Kings 18 | Elijah & Obadiah

1 Kings 17 | Elijah the Prophet

1 Kings 12 | God’s Word Never Fails

1 Kings 11 | Solomon’s Downfall

1 Kings 8 | King Solomon brings the Ark to the Temple

1 Kings 2 | Solomon’s Specific Instructions

Proverbs 31 | Don’t get drunk and fool around

Proverbs 30 | Find renewed strength in Jesus Christ

Proverbs 26 | How to avoid foolishness

Proverbs 25 | Humility & Self Control

Proverbs 24 | Do Not Envy the Wicked

Proverbs 21 | Pray for Revival

Proverbs 20 | Drunkenness is a Sin

Proverbs 19 | Money Won’t Make Everything Better

Proverbs 18 | Isolation vs Selfishness

Proverbs 17 | Don’t Focus on WHAT you Have, but WHO you Have

Proverbs 16 | God’s Plan is Better Than our Own