Все публикации

Dr Graham Fraenkel and the Fred Hollows Foundation

@LaserVisionSA Our Bathrooms

@LaserVisionSA Why we enjoy improving lives?

@LaserVisionSA How to apply eye drops

Laser Vision SA Welcome

The 3 Laser Procedures Explained

LVSA tech evolution

Can I drive home after a procedure?

Have any of your staff had laser vision correction?

How long will I be in the laser suite?

How much does the procedure cost?

How soon can I get the procedure done?

How quickly will I return to normal duties after the procedure?

What after care is required following laser vision correction?

What are the different types of procedures?

Will laser vision correction wear off?

How does laser vision correction work?

Will laser vision correction hurt?

Will I need glasses after laser vision correction?

When can I go back to screen work?

Can I end up with worse vision without glasses than before?

Can It Fix Astigmatism?

Can I go blind after laser vision correction?

Can correction help me use reading glasses less?