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Here’s the first of several videos on the new PSE Fortis 33. #gearreviews #archery #archeryhunting

Just trying to get home so I can do some more gear reviews.

Love the looks of this new PSE bow, can’t wait to let you know how it shoots! #gearreviews

Home archery shop! #bakerarcheryproducts #homebowshop #gearreviews

Fixed blade or expandable broadheads? # #gearreviews #broadheads #archery

Early season boots for antelope and deer hunting. #huntinggearreviews #bootreview #earlyseason

Lowa GTX. # #gearreviews #bootreview #mountainhunting #archeryhunting #bullelk #mountainboots

Kenetrek Mountain Extremes are a top notch mountain boot. #gearreviews #mountainboots #hunting

Are you a long draw archer? If so the Mathew’s Atlas might be perfect for you. #gearreviews #archery

Who loves new bows? Last years PSE was awesome, can’t wait to get my new one. #psearchery #bowhunt

Crispi Altitude GTX. Great early season boot! #gearreviews #bootreview #archeryhunting

Getting ready for summer! I’m ready for the snow to be gone and for some outside shooting sessions!

Our friend Rick Mair did a quick rundown of the @badlandsgear Detour Hoodie.

Goat Box Coolers

G5 Arrow squaring device for arrow tuning.

Phelps Game Calls is in the works!

Sitka Gear Ambient Hoody

Game bags for Western Hunting

Bino Harness Review

Part 2- Prime Revex 4 Review

Prime Revex 4 Review Part 1

February 17, 2023