Все публикации

Image formation by convex lens

F.Sc Physics Practical - To determine the unknown high resistance by neon flash lamp apparatus

F.Sc Physics Practical - To convert galvanometer into voltmeter experiment class 12

F.Sc Physics Practical - Charging and discharging of capacitor and to measure time constant

FSC Physics Practical - To find value of g by free fall method using electronic timer

FSC Physics Practical - To measure the Diameter of Wire using Laser light

FSC Physics Practical - To verify truth tables of logic gates (AND, OR, NOT)

FSC Physics Practical - To determine the Internal Resistance of a cell using Potentiometer

FSC Physics Practical - To convert Galvanometer into Ammeter (0 to 1 Ampere Range)

FSC Physics Practical - To determine the frequency of AC supply by Melde's apparatus

FSC Physics Practical - To determine the emf of a cell using Potentiometer

Study of different types of bacteria, Amoeba, Paramecium, Volvox with the help of preparaed slides

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 9 HTML page which has Multiple Sections , Table of Contents, Anchors

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 10 Create a website with Two Linked Web Pages | HTML Coding

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 20 Create an HTML page which shows your mark sheet in tabular form.

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 8 HTML page which has functions of Nested List and Definition List.

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 7 HTML page which has functions of Un-Ordered and Ordered Lists.

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 5 HTML page Image, Text, Adjust Height, Width, Border of the Image.

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 4 Create an html page with Font Size, Font Face Font Color.

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 3 HTML page Headings up to Three Level, Bold, Italic and Underline

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 2 Create an HTML Page with Title | Paragraph | Line Break

Computer 9th HTML Practical No. 1 Creating an HTML page that has head and body tags | HTML Coding

Chemistry 9th Practical 5.7 Separating Naphthalene from the mixture of Sand and Naphthalene

Chemistry 9th Practical 5.6 Demsonstarting Sublimation using Ammonium Chloride