Все публикации

#GAAPPAcademy: Research Partnerships with GAAPP

#COPD #Testimonials: Pamela

#COPD #Testimonial: Scott - from athlete to lung health advocate

Dr. Sunkaru Touray, Physician in Gambia

#Testimonio #EPOC: María Jesús - Su experiencia como cuidadora

#Testimonio #EPOC: Ramón - Tratado con triple terapia tras un diagnóstico tardío

#DiaphragmaticBreathing by Gretchen McCreary

#COPD affects 391 million people worldwide— #SpeakUpForCOPD

#Testimonio #EPOC: María Elena – Una radiografía y una espirom

#Testimonial #COPD: Karen - Living my life

#Testimonial #COPD: Enhle – The importance of the community support

#Testimonial #COPD: Peter - Empowered to live: learning about the disease and staying active

#Testimonial #COPD: Kristen – A call for COPD awareness and compassion from a caregiver perspective

#Testimonial #COPD: Russell's journey – COPD beyond the stigma

#Testimonial #COPD: Carol – 4 principles for COPD patients

#Testimonial #COPD: Lisa – “It's nothing to be ashamed of”

#Testimonio #EPOC: María – El desafío de dar con el tratamiento adecuado

#Testimonio #EPOC: Juan –El diagnóstico precoz es clave para evitar el estigma y la exclusión social

#Testimonio #EPOC: Alfonso, una actitud resiliente y activa

#GAAPPAcademy: Members Organization Success Stories 2

GAAPP #SteroidStewardship: Teresa´s story

GAAPP #SteroidStewardhsip: Stacey´s Story

Advocacy Heroes

World Chronic Cough Day Webinar