Все публикации

Your fellow boaters know best!

Detailing a Dark Colored Boat with Shurhold!

Learn why the pros love the Dual Action Polisher!

What makes Shurhold the most trusted brand in boating?

Elves, shelves, and the Shurhold 'brush' machine?

Santa's Bucket Shop

How many layers of wax do you need to protect your boat?

How do you rinse your reels?

Boat Yard 101!

Learn why Shurhold is trusted by Charter Captains all over the U.S!

Learn more about the Shurhold Action Camera Adapter!

Strainer Cleaning is Easy in the Yard!

What are your trim tabs and how do they affect your boat's ride?

Quick tips with a Rotary Polisher!

When should you use a microfiber wash mitt or scrubbing pad over a wool counterpart?

Learn how to wet sand your boat!

How do I wet sand my boat?

Shurhold's dedication to quality is what set's us apart!

Quick tips with a Rotary Polisher!

Strainer Cleaning is Easy in the Yard!

Quick tips with a Rotary Polisher!

How many layers of wax do you need to protect your boat?

Keep it Simple When Cleaning Your Boat!

Wrapping Up the Boatyard Basics