Все публикации

My Site Archive Demo

Style Flash Messages

Install and Configure Devise Locally Part 2

Calculate Pace On Save

Test Activity Model

Test User Model and User Flow

Generate and Style Devise Views

Configure Travis CI with Rails and GitHub

Add Bootstrap 4 to Rails 6

Test Updated User Flow and Set Application Time Zone

Add Custom Validations to Activity Model

Create Activity Model

Add Navbar and Dynamic Page Titles

Configure Rails Development Environment

Install and Configure Honeybadger on Rails

Add Time Zone to User Registration Form

Deploy a Rails 6 App to Heroku

Change an Existing Column on Activity Model

Install and Configure Devise Locally: Part 1

Install Rails and Push to GitHub

Configure SendGrid with Rails and Heroku

Calculate Weekly Mileage

Search ActionText with Ransack and Style Search Form

Automatically Close Modal When Shoe is Created