Все публикации

When You FORGET Your Pen be like… #shorts

How RICH is Richie’s Dad… AGAIN?! #shorts

Rich Dad Buys WHAT?! Too Rich Too Fail 😭

What does a cat say?! #shorts

Timmy VS McBully, who wins?! #shorts

Richie wants STEAK but his dad is TOO RICH 😭 #shorts

McBulIy flexes his TV without realising Richie’s RICH?! #shorts

Broke Dad bought BOOTLEG BUMBLEBEE TOY?! 😭 #shorts

Richie reveals Titanic’s truth to McBully?! #shorts

Rich Dad gets stuck in TRAFFIC! #shorts

How did Rich Dad get RICH?! Again?! #shorts

Rich Dad picks on Elon Musk out of spite?! #shorts

Rich Dad buys Richie SAMSUNG?! #shorts

Richie meets @im_siowei?! #shorts

Richie and Timmy visits the FARM! #shorts

Happy New Year from Richie & Friends! #shorts

Richie is a TEACHER’S PET?! #shorts

McBully meets Richie on the plane and thinks he’s BROKE?! #shorts

Does Rich Dad love Richie? Today, we find out… #shorts

Broke Dad bought bootleg Beyblade! 🤣 #shorts

Richie & class compares PROTEIN POWDER?! #shorts

Merry Christmas from Richie and friends! #shorts

Christmas is coming and Richie wants Maserati! #shorts

Son wanted Toyota but his dad is TOO RICH! #shorts