Все публикации

Four Generations of Disciples

NPL Army Giving Communique 29JAN20

Identity Triangles 301

Identity Triangles 201

Identity Triangles 101

Seed Sower: How it Works and What it Does

Seed Sower

Two Kingdoms Gospel Presentation

How to Share the Gospel of the Kingdom using the Two Kingdom's presentation.

NPL Army Who We Are How We Organize

Two Kingdoms Short

Ephesians Lecture by Walt Henrichsen

24 14 SE Region Meeting 29 NOV 20

Taking the NPL Network to Kitale, Kenya

Learning Styles and Teaching Applied to Disciplemaking and the 3/3 Process

New Creation Illustration

Practicing the Hand Gospel

Church Container and Contents

2 Kingdoms

NPL Army Flowchart

Gospel sharing through your (30 sec Testimony)


Relational Network (Oikos)