Все публикации

Learning to Learn Words from Visual Scenes | MvM@CVPR20 Spotlight

Oops! Predicting Unintentional Action in Video | MvM@CVPR20 Spotlight

Story Completion with Explicit Modeling of Commonsense Knowledge | MvM@CVPR20 Spotlight

Learning Intuitive Physics by Explaining Surprise | MvM@CVPR20 Spotlight

Visual Commonsense Representation Learning via Causal Inference | MvM@CVPR20 Spotlight

SomethingFinder: Localizing undefined regions using referring expressions | MvM@CVPR20 Spotlight

Hierarchical Color Learning in Convolutional Neural Networks | MvM@CVPR20 Spotlight

3DQ-Nets: Visual Concepts Emerge in Pose-Equivariant 3D Representations | MvM@CVPR20 Spotlight

Understanding Knowledge Gaps in Visual Question Answering | MvM@CVPR20 Spotlight

Panel: Spelke, Oliva, Yurovsky, Tenenbuam, Smith, Olshausen, Zitnick, Gopnik, Malik | MvM@CVPR20

Alison Gopnik | Children are MESSes: Model Building Exploratory Social Learning Systems | MvM@CVPR20

Jitendra Malik | Turing's Baby | MvM@CVPR20

Bruno Olshausen | How far are we from the common sense of a jumping spider? | MvM@CVPR20

Larry Zitnick | What is the right question to ask? | MvM@CVPR2020

Linda Smith | Common sense and the visual experiences of toddlers | MvM@CVPR20

Response Time Analysis for Explainability of Visual Processing | MvM@CVPR20 Oral

Visual Commonsense Representation Learning via Causal Inference | MvM@CVPR20 Oral

Learning to Learn Words from Visual Scenes | MvM@CVPR20 Oral

Dan Yurovsky | Toddlers' common sense operates in socially-supported contexts | MvM@CVPR20

Josh Tenenbaum | Reverse-engineering core common sense | MvM@CVPR20

Aude Oliva | Cognitive Insights for Models of Visual Recognition | MvM@CVPR20

Elizabeth Spelke | What infants know (and don't know) | MvM@CVPR20

Minds vs. Machines | Opening Remarks | MvM@CVPR20