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Jazmin Bean’s Traumatic Livelihood palette from Cult Candy Cosmetics #jazminbean

🎄🎁 What I got for Christmas!!! (a cozy haul for faeries)🧚‍♀️✨

$h!t $how #music #live #concert #jazminbean #traumaticlivelihood #traumaticlivelihoodtour

Terrified - Jazmin Bean #jazminbean #terrified #traumaticlivelihood #concert

🤩I Got a Custom Melanie Martinez Doll?!?

Is this it #music #concert #traumaticlivelihood #jazminbean

Traumatic Livelihood #jazminbean #jazminbeantraumaticlivelihoodtour #traumaticlivelihood

✨Melanie Martinez Crybaby perfume ⚔ Portals Parfums, & Candle Review!

Um. Best $16 I ever spent on Amazon 😳 #melaniemartinez #melaniemartinezportals #sippycup

I wish Melanie sold more of her antiques. #melaniemartinez #edwardmobleybear #crybabyalbum

Portals tour had insane energy #portalstour #portals #melaniemartinezportals #earthlings #crybaby

🧠💗Ranking Melanie Martinez After School EP📓🏠 Doll House EP, & Singles!✨

N-Y-M-P-H-O-L-O-G-Y #portalstour #melaniemartinez #melaniemartinezportals #concert #nymphology

I think we nailed the achoo 😂✨ #melaniemartinez #portalstour #portals #melaniemartinezportals

🚌💉Ranking Melanie Martinez K-12 Album🍊🍰

I’ll never forget portals tour, Mel’s stage presence is so magical #portalstour #melaniemartinez

I love the Trilogy Tour performance of spider web better 🤭 #portalstour #melaniemartinez #portal

I love love Light Shower so much. 🥲 #melaniemartinezportals #portalstour #melaniemartinez #crybaby

person next 2 me was screaming “Verde” don’t be this person at concerts, it’s rude #melaniemartinez

🧼🧸Ranking Melanie Martinez Crybaby Album 🍼💦

Tunnel Vision #melaniemartinez #melaniemartinezportals #portalstour

Void #melaniemartinez #melaniemartinezportals #portalstour

🧸🍼💦Melanie Martinez🕷️🕸️🍄 - ✨Full Trilogy Tour Set✨

Death - Melanie Martinez #melaniemartinez #melaniemartinezportals #portalstour