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The figure below shows a long straight wire near a rectangular current loop The current in the wire

A charge of +1 94 mC is located at x=0, y=0 and a charge of 4 01 mC is located at x=0, y=3 10 m.

In the figure above, the distance between charges A and B and the distance between charges B and C

If an electron mass =9.1*10^-31 kg is released at a speed of 2 m/s in a direction perpendicular

A uniform electric field of magnitude E=440 N/C makes an angle of θ=63.0° with a plane surface of

A string is wrapped several times around the rim of a small hoop with radius and mass The free end

Three negative point charges lie along a line as shown in Fig. Find the magnitude and direction of

A cube has sides of length L = 0.30 m. It is placed with one corner at the origin as shown in Fig.

A small metal sphere, carrying a net charge of q1 = -2.80 uC, is held in a stationary position by

The cube in Fig. has sides of length L = 10.0 cm. The electric field is uniform, has magnitude

The electric field at a distance of 0.145 m from the surface of a solid insulating sphere with radiu

A point charge q1 =+2.40 uC is held stationary at the origin. A second point charge q2 = -4.30 uC

The three small spheres shown in Fig. carry charges q1 = 4.0 nC, q2 = -7.8 nC and q3 = 2.40 nC.

A point charge q1 = 4.0 nC is located on the x-axis at x = 2.0 m and a second point charge q2 = -6.0

A point charge-2.0uC of is located in the center of a spherical cavity of radius 6.50 cm inside an

A flat sheet is in the shape of a rectangle with sides of lengths 0.400 m and 0.600 m. The sheet is

Two point charges are separated by 25.0 cm Find the net electric field these charges produce at (a)

Two point charges q1 and q2 are held in place 4.50 cm apart. Another point charge Q=-1.75 uC of mass

Two charges, one of 2.50 uC and the other of -3.50 uC are placed on the -axis, one at the origin and

A +8.75 uC point charge is glued down on a horizontal frictionless table. It is tied to a -6.50 uC

In Figure, determine the point (other than infinity)at which the electric field is zero.

Wire C and wire D are made from different materials and have length Lc = LD = 1.0 m. The resistivity

Figure shows wire section 1 of diameter D1= 4.0R and wire section 2 of diameter D2= 2.0R, connected

Two long parallel wires each with a mass per unit length of 40 g/m are supported in horizontal plane