Все публикации

Thank you so much, Priscilla Montero for the beautiful shoutout on this amazing video clip!

Dear Independent Artists: Here Is A Video Message For You!

We hope that you have a very safe, enjoyable, but scary Halloween!

We have a treat for you this Halloween! Join us for a Special Short Film Presentation!

Here's our A1 since Day 1! Singer-Songwriter Nikkole has been supporting us since our beginning.

We Have A Free Mobile App!

Don't forget about Our First Music Video World Premiere on tomorrow (Sat, Oct 26, 12:00 pm est).

Ready to revolutionize the Independent Artists music video game?

Ready for this Fall Season? Shop the Just Vibin' Store for some great Fall merch.

Continue to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month!

Streaming live right now on your Roku or Fire TV! Go to: https://www.justvibin4u.com

Watch Our Live Streaming Music Video TV Channel

Looking forward to ya! Have a great week!! 🎶🎵#justvibin #justvibin4u #justvibintv #justvibinmedia

Wanna be in a TV commercial? Read on... #justvibin

Take time today to livestream our brand new TV channel featuring Independent Artists!

Just Vibin' Media (TV) on Roku and FireTV! #justvibin #music #videos #independentartists

We're locked and loaded! #justvibin

We're locked and loaded!

Just Vibin' Media Launch Date!

Mark the date! Monday, August 12, 2024! 📅

‎@SLWalkerMusic  is at it again! Name the movie _______. Song: I Feel It (feat. Lily)

Las Migas: Familia!

BREAKING NEWS: The launch day for the Just Vibin' Media TV Channel is Monday, August 12, 2024!

Emayla: My very first time playing “Smooth Operator” live with the saxophone. 1 week of learning!