Все публикации

Finding the perfect outfit…after 7 attempts

Complaining Is Proof That I Ain’t No Pioneer Woman

Big Announcement! My new kids book is out!

Daily Dilemma- Do you like to travel?

Happy mail today really made me happy!

10 tips on how to have a happy marriage from two trains that collided-part two

I just wanted to make a video about picture taking, but instead, I made a mess

Protecting my toilet paper at all cost

10 tips on how to have a happy marriage from two trains that collided- part one

My favorite things-8 books that changed my life

Conversation about conversations

The perks of being a writer is I can write anywhere.

The Target parking lot walk of shame

A few of my favorite…SNACKS! And not the healthy kind.

Saturday- family day

Friendship of the 2000’s

TMI! “Personal grooming gone wrong”, or “Waxing injuries and a trip to the urologist”

A rainbow apology

It’s a twister, Aunti Em!! Ok, maybe just a severe storm.

Introduction to my channel/crazy life

Craft time with God

A show of hands/paws of those struggling to get started today

Faith Friday - You want me to love who?!? My enemies?! Seriously?!?

A few of my favorite things – the cosmetic edition