Все публикации

Separate appsettings.json by Environment Variable

Move appSettings.json values to User Secrets

How to make a GitIgnore file

Return Multiple Values from a function in DotNet (C#)

Windows EventLogs in DotNet (easy logging setup)

What is a POCO in c# (dotnet)?

EFCore 7 Context Factory, multiple context's that can connect at runtime (Dotnet Core / Dotnet 7)

Extension Methods in C# (DotNet)

Setup Pull Requests in GIT DevOps

Visual Studio Bookmarks

AsList vs ToList

How to use Dapper in DotNet [Dotnet 7] [C#]

Using Statements in DotNet (modern way vs old way)

Compare or Sort any Object (using IComparable or IEquatable) .Net

Upload Videos & make Thumbnails in DotNet MVC (C#) using FFMPEG

AddTransient vs AddScoped vs AddSingleton in Dotnet (Dependency Injection)

MVC DotNet 6 Upload Images to Azure Blob Storage and disk

DotNet 6 + ReactJS, build a Rich Text Editor [Step by Step] (with QuillJS)

Logging in WebAPI for DotNet6 (DotNet Core), using NLog.

Transactions in EFCore 6 (Entity Framework DotNet 6), CSharp Examples

How to Debug Library Code using Visual Studio [.Net 6 Example]

Skip code, or make code debug/production only [DotNet Development] (Debugging Tips!)

Create full Razor Pages app, with EFCore from scratch!

Debug Stored Procedures that Return Tables (In Visual Studio)