Все публикации

Age and Gender Recognition Using CNN Python Project with Source Code

Traffic Sign Recognition using Python Code

Audio Watermarking using matlab project code

Haze Removal using Matlab Project Code

Mango Plant Disease Detection using Neural Network Matlab Project Code

Bone Fracture Detection using Neural Network matlab project code

Fish Disease Detection using Neural Network matlab project code

Face Emotion Recognition using matlab project code

Image Denoising using matlab project code

Image Fusion using Wavelet Transform and PCA Matlab project code

Early Brain Tumor Detection using matlab project code

Early Brain Tumor Detection using matlab

Image Fusion using Wavelet Transform matlab project source code

Brain Tumor Detection using convolutional neural network (CNN) Matlab project code

Handwritten Digit Recognition using matlab

Audio Steganography using matlab (Hiding Secrete Information in Audio)

Image Enhancement using Histogram Equalization and bi-histogram equalization using matlab

Grape Leaf Disease Detection using matlab

Prostate Cancer Detection using matlab

Matlab Code for Traffic Sign Recognition Using Image Processing

Matlab Code for Plant Disease Detection Using Neural Network

Matlab code for Attendance Maintenance Based Face Recognition using image processing

Matlab Code for Osterporosis Detection using image processing

Matlab Code for Bone Fracture Detection using Image Processing