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denver absolutely crushed this one 🥹

oh i love it and hate it at the same time 🖤

why did you wait, to finally change?? also whos excited for pt. 2 of the dichotomy tour 🫶🏼

darkerside in soundcheck vs live show

darkerside 🖤

oh i love it and i hate it at the same time 🤍

you bring me back to the light 🤍

the dichotomy track 14 “darkerside”

why did you wait, to finally change??

who remembers mr. forgettable?

you bring me back to the light

it's called 'no high' and it's out now


DICHOTOMY TOUR has been sick. who am i seeing next?

i’m a small town miserable man 🖤

met my littlest fan the other week

daylight live in denver 🖤

will never get tired of this

we all deserve a healthy love


David Kushner - Darkerside (Official Behind the Scenes Video)

loved making 'the dichotomy' for u guys

this is my song 'universe'