Все публикации

The REPL as a General Purpose Tool - Wesley Matson

Parens for Python Q&A - Carin Meier & Chris Nuernberger

Clojure Katas - Designing Data-Driven DSLs - Rafal Dittwald & James Cash

Concurrency with Clojure - Kapil Reddy & Rhishikesh Joshi (Workshop)

Gluing Clojure Microservices - Alexander Fertman (Q&A)

Building Marvelous and Heroic Systems from the Ground Up - Mark Bastian (Workshop)

Data Diffing Based Software Architecture Patterns - Huahai Yang (Q&A)

Duckula: Type Safe Backend Services with Clojure, HTTP & Avro - Łukasz Korecki

Clojure Katas - Functional Programming - Rafal Dittwald & James Cash

More Powerful Multimethods - Cam Saul

Software, but not as we know it: Part Two - Dann Toliver

Hassle-free reporting with Lumo - Dmitri Sotnikov

TLA+ and Clojure, a Small Primer - Paulo Feodrippe

Monoids and Software Engineering - Luke Meyers

Gluing Clojure Microservices - Alexander Fertman

Surfing With Clojure - Xavier O'Neil

Data Diffing Based Software Architecture Patterns - Huahai Yang

Literate Stream Processing - Francisco Viramontes

Introduction to Lambda Calculus - Asaf Chelouche

Building Reliable, Scalable Services with Clojure and Core.async - Kapil Reddy

Don't Stop Now - James Cash

Parens for Python - Carin Meier

How Clojure Saved Our Office - Tomáš Lamr

Unleash the Power of the REPL - Dana Borinski