Все публикации

got a mid afk lv2 but also got madlife B) (1st game aphelios)

fkn madlife (1st game aphelios)

illaoi vs plats/diamonds

fun and interactive illaoi

9 19 NA1 3169338966 01

lee malphite combo

lee scrim

perfect kda lee carry (S+)

9 16 NA1 3135764875 02

9 16 NA1 3135320989 04

9 16 NA1 3135320989 03

9 16 NA1 3135320989 06

yuumi lee OP wtffffff

late game lee sucks ass!

flash vs hexflash of the century

first successful q wardhop midanimation flash golden kick insec

full game vs grandmaster and duo

i Land Q and livE, NiCE!

why my adc LAGGING

lee GANK with inSECC

redemption :o

first successful lee insec

1/2 54 Tristana basically oneshot 3/0 69cs Lee Sin. Overtuned champ?

Project Xayah Penta