Все публикации

Trendelenburg Sign from Hip Abductor Weakness

Mass Moment of Inertia and a Merry go round

Therapeutic Electrical Modalities Overview - The Basics

Trigger Finger Visual Presentation

Torque Concepts Applied to Levers and the Human Body

Volumetric Evaluation of hand volume to assess edema

AROM Thumb Carpometacarpal (CMC) Opposition (Kapandji)

MMT Group Finger Proximal InterPhalangeal (PIP) joint Flexion

Therapeutic Ultrasound: Precautions and Contraindications

Therapeutic Ultrasound: Application Technique

Therapeutic Ultrasound: Setting Parameters

Therapeutic Ultrasound: Its Properties

Therapeutic Ultrasound: The Physics Behind It

Therapeutic Ultrasound: The Role of Physical Agents in Occupational Therapy

Simulation prosthesis donning

Ice Cup Massage

Cold Pack Application

Fluidotherapy Application

Paraffin Wax Application (Dip Method)

Hot Pack Application

Volar Wrist Hand Finger Orthosis (WHFO) Fabrication

Hand Based Thumb Opponens Orthosis Demonstration

Thumb CMC Kinematics (revised)

Volar Wrist Hand Orthosis Fabrication Demonstration