Все публикации

Φ is NOT a NUMBER! Φ, π, e and sqrt(2) are CONSTANTS, not NUMBERS that are a measure of ratios.

Complete realisation and development of number in 7 steps.

How to find the product of 2/5 and sqrt(2) without using numbers.

Fluxions or just garbage? Newton did not solve the slope and area problem, I did!

Arithmetic operations without numbers: Part 4 - Product

Arithmetic operations without numbers: Part 3 - Quotient

Arithmetic operations without numbers: Part 2 - Sum

Arithmetic operations without numbers: Part 1 - Difference

New Calculus: Simple, elegant, powerful and 100% rigorous.

Musings 16 - An unpleasant and stressful experience in Port Angeles, WA.

New Channel: Video creators needed.

MarkusKlyerisms: 2x+h =/= 2x + k + h - k and so 2x+h is not unique. LMAO

Mainstream Mathematics Ignorance, Stupidity, Arrogance and Incompetence: MarkusKlyverisms.

Don't believe the libel, lies and drivel you read about the New Calculus - it's ALL false.

Comparing fractions using only ratios.

What is the New Calculus?

A journey to a small village in the Northern Aegean.

How to learn equivalent fractions.

'You've got the MVT statement backwards.' - mainstream math idiots. Um, no, I don't.

MVT 8: Mean Value Theorem - Epilogue

MVT 7: The correct remarkable statement of the Mean Value Theorem.

MVT 6: What is the deal with the mean value theorem and why don't mainstream academics get it?

MVT 5: The mainstream statement of the mean value theorem is flawed.

MVT 4: PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL! I know what I am talking about. Your math educators DO NOT!