Все публикации

This That These Those Song -- Karaoke Version

This That These Those Song

I Can Song -- Karaoke Version

What Can You Do Song -- 'I Can' Song

How To Teach The Past Simple -- Did You Catch The Ball?

How To Teach Consonant Doubles -- Karaoke Version

How To Teach Consonant Doubling -- Consonant Doubling Song

How To Teach Verbs -- Go, Play or Do Sports

Too Enough Song -- Karaoke Version

How To Teach Too and Enough -- Too/Enough Song

Past Simple Song -- Karaoke Version

How To Teach The Past Simple -- Past Simple Song

How To Teach The Conditional Tense -- What Would You Rather Do?

What Do You Want To Do Song -- Karaoke Version

What Do You Want To Do Song?

There Is There Are Song -- Karaoke Version

How To Teach There Is There Are -- There Is There Are Song

To Be Song -- Karaoke Version

How To Teach There Is There Are -- GTA V There Is There Are Activity

Object Pronouns Song – Karaoke Version

How To Teach Object Pronouns -- Fun Object Pronouns Song

Have Got Song -- Karaoke Version

How To Teach Question Words -- (Who What When Where Why How)

How To Teach Question Words -- Interrogative Song (Karaoke Version)