Все публикации

Rescue of a stray dog mother

Transformation of a sick stray dog

Ιαματική ζωοφιλία

Socialization of a puppy (one month to 5 months old)


An emaciated mangy puppy's transformation

Rescue and rehabilitation of a scared dog that grew up in a public pound

Little dog found neglected and sick transforms into a happy boy

Sick and abandoned dog transforms into a happy girl

Tranformation of two mangy puppies

This dog was living in a box

Extremely neglected dog gets a new chance in life

I didn't even want a dog - now I am a dog trainer

Our TNR campaing in western Greece - 257 dogs spayed in 4 days

Ghost dog starving on the street gets a second chance

Sweet matted dog found starving on the streets gets a new life

Emaciated sad dog transfroms into a happy, gorgeous boy

Starving, mangy dog with multiple injuries tranforms and finds love

Dogs rescued from a public pound - one year later

Malnourished puppy rescued from a public pound is now the happiest boy

Sweet dog was hit by a car and left abandoned in the middle of nowhere

Transformation of two mangy puppies found starving on the streets

Mange dog hoarded in a cage and starved gets a new life

Mangy puppy rescued years ago is still waiting for a home