Все публикации

Cars s $1 vs $1,000,000,000 (AI)

Celebrities that worked normal jobs (AI)

Most stereotypical person in each country (AI)

I asked AI to make Christmas presents $1 vs $1,000,000

I asked AI to make cars that never existed

I asked AI to recreate the Star Wars world

I asked AI to recreate the Harry Potter world

I asked AI to recreate the Breaking Bad world

I asked AI to recreate the Shrek world

Harry Coder and the FULL-STACK Prince (short)

Tesla Diesel Truck commercial (AI)

Harry Spotter 2 And The Chamber Of Weights (short)

Shrek Dinner Scene but in Gym (short)

Baking Bread (Breaking Bad but in France)

Harry Potter but in Amsterdam (Philosopher is Stoned)

Celebrities but in Barbie

Billionaires but in Barbie

Famous Musicians but in Barbie

Harry Potter but in Barbie

Breaking Bad but in France (Baking Bread)

Celebrities but in Barbie

Shrek's secret to become muscular (Shrek but in Gym AI)

Harry Coder and the FULL-STACK Prince

Harry Potter but war in Ukraine