Все публикации

Hash Tables - AQA A Level Computer Science

The Dictionary Data Structure - AQA A Level Computer Science

The Tree data structure, Binary Search trees and traversal algorithms (A Level Computer Science)

Graph Traversal Algorithms (A Level Computer Science)

Dry running algorithms with trace tables

Compressing text using Huffman trees worked example

Inspecting a webpage's HTML using Developer Tools in Google Chrome

How your computer's memory is like a kitchen

Network Protocol Layers explained by example

General purpose and embedded computer systems

Demo of WiFi analysis with WiFi Explorer Lite

Part 7 - Adding revealer and killer ghosts - Creating a PacMan clone in Scratch 3

Part 6 - Adding a slow down ghost - Creating a PacMan clone in Scratch 3

Part 5 - Adding a speed-boosting power-up - Creating a PacMan clone in Scratch 3

Part 4 - Adding a Level Complete Screen - Creating a PacMan clone in Scratch 3

Part 3 - Adding dots for Pacman to eat - Creating a PacMan clone in Scratch 3

Part 2 - Creating the Maze - Creating a PacMan clone in Scratch 3

Part 1 - Creating the PacMan Sprite - Creating a PacMan clone in Scratch 3

Structure of Computer Memory (lesson starter)

Creating a simple animation in Google Slides

Exporting animation frames from Google Slides

Importing animation frames into Serif MoviePlus

Drawing a simple cartoon character in Google Slides

Creating a colour splash effect in Serif PhotoPlus X7