Все публикации

EPicks: The effect of inspiratory muscle training and detraining on the respiratory metaboreflex

PHYSIOLOGY SHORTS: Antagonism of TRPV4 channels reduces mechanotransduction in rat skeletal muscle

Physiology and Basic Research Funding in Ireland

PHYSIOLOGY SHORTS: Increasing blood flow to small exercising muscle 'beyond normal

PHYSIOLOGY SHORTS: Spinal inhibitory interneurons and neurodegenerative disorder

Distinct type I collagen alterations that cause intrinsic lung & respiratory defects

Europhysiology 2022 - Michael de Burghy Daly Prize Lecture, Merry L. Lindsey

Europhysiology 2022 - Sharpey-Schafer Prize Lecture, Sofia-Iris Bibli

Europhysiology 2022 - Annual Review Prize Lecture, Gero Miesenboeck

PHYSIOLOGY SHORTS: Descending pathways from the superior colliculus

EPicks: Brachial artery responses to acute hypercapnia: The roles of shear stress & adrenergic tone

EPicks: A colourful experience leading to a reassessment of colour vision and its theories

Highlights from The Physiological Society 2022 Member Forum and President's Lecture

Physiology Changes The World - Professor David Paterson, University of Oxford, UK

Physiology Changes The World

Physiology Changes The World - Professor Samira Lakhal-Littleton, University of Oxford, UK

Physiology Changes The World - Professor Melanie Welham, Executive Chair BBSRC, UK

Physiology Changes The World - Professor Kim E. Barrett, University of California, Davis, US

Physiology Changes The World - Dr Heather Massey, University of Portsmouth, UK

Physiology Changes The World - Professor David Wylie, University of Edinburgh, UK

Physiology Changes The World - Dr Dayne Beccano-Kelly, Cardiff University, Wales

Physiology Changes The World - Professor Áine Kelly, Trinity College Dublin

Ageing Workforce report launch, highlights and interviews

Age, health & work, ‘Understanding ‘Early Exiters’: The case for a healthy ageing workforce strategy