Все публикации

SDGs Explained

The Founder's Mentality


👋🌏, it's us again fulfilling our promise;We just launched our female emoji and sticker pack on Teleg

Why scammers remain silent upon calling victims

AR heart Demo

cardioAR- Successful Test



ARtest update


cardioAr-Hackathon 2024

How Woodlice and Cochineal Insects Clean from Heavy Metals

Why do Planes often Fly A Curve Path

Why do Camels Inflate their Dulaa

Why do Military Uniforms feature Pixelated patterns

Why do Police Officers Touch Your Car

Why do we Jerk sometimes when we Asleep-Hypnic Jerk

Why the Burning Sensation When when Water is Inhaled

Why Do Pirates Wear Eye Patches

The Great Wall of China-facts

Angina-Chest Pain experienced while running

Why Do Planes Dump Fuel

Ancient Healing Secrets of Cobwebs