Все публикации

Padme vs slkr.

Padme vs GAS r7 6dot mods(all team) full auto easy win


Padme vs DR full auto v2

Padme GMY full auto vs strong Dr team

6* Traya with 3*bastila fallen vs Revan

Zaul lead with 6*Traya and 6* nest vs Very strong Revan team

Bastila SUPER combo beat traya teams in FULL AUTO. Swgoh

Bastila mix combo vs palpatine lead

Bastila mix team vs traya lead/thrawn swgoh

Bastila 4* FULL AUTO vs palpatine /traya team

Jtr with GMY. A very intresting battle...

Jtr vs gmy

Vs jtr(my friend super)

Jtr vs troopers

Swgoh road to the top(24hours ελληνικό guild)

Darth Nihilus leader swgoh last stage Cantina

Darth Nihilus XI(Ελληνικό guild)

Λεωφόρος Διονύσου 6/2/2016