Все публикации

Criteo DevXDays - BigDataFlow: Continuous Delivery of data pipelines

Criteo DevXDays - Postman: from local tests to our Concourse CD pipeline

Criteo DevXDays - Efficient Testing Strategy in microservice era

Criteo DevXDays - GraalVM, Native Compilation on the JVM

Criteo DevXDays - What Developer Experience is and what we are doing about it

Bob Carpenter - Pathfinder: Quasi-Newton Variational Inference

Jean Pachebat Accelerated Gradient Boosting with Higher Order Optimization Methods

Mingyuan Zhou - Adaptive Diffusion-based Deep Generative Models

Darren Wilkinson - Compositional approaches to scalable Bayesian computation

Alexandre Gilotte - Learning From Aggregated Data

Arnaud Doucet : Diffusion Schrodinger Bridges - From Generative Modeling to Posterior Simulation

Probabilistic Rank and Reward model - Project 42

Christopher Sims - Large Parameter Spaces and Weighted Data: A Bayesian Perspective

Andrew Gelman - Bayesian Methods in Causal Inference and Decision Making

David Rohde - Causal Inference is Inference – A beautifully simple idea that not everyone accepts

Fan Li - Propensity score in Bayesian causal inference: why, why not, and how?

Criteo's privacy preserving ML competition - 3th Place sales leaderboard

Criteo's privacy preserving ML competition - 3nd Place (2nd place on sales)

Criteo's privacy preserving ML competition - 1st Place

Front End Tech Talk Sept 15th, 2020

Efficient and parallel MCMC sampling using ADMM-type splitting

NABD Conf'19 - Fixing the Big Data Development Cycle with SQL

NABD Conf'19 - Audio Processing Infrastructure at Spotify

NABD Conf 2019 - Highlight