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JSON dumps and loads methods on serializer and serialization in Django rest framework.

Using labelImg for labeling images to train custom YOLO object detectors.

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Django Rest Framework and How to Install Uninstall Django Rest Framework Bangla #3

What is Rest API in Bangla | What is RESTful Api | Django Rest Framework (Bangla) #3

What is web API in Bangla | Django Rest Framework (Bangla) #2

What is an API in Bangla | REST API | Django Rest Framework (Bangla)

37. Django Bangla Tutorial | How to Display Uploaded Images in Django Templates (Step-by-Step)

36. Django Bangla Tutorial: How to Upload Files with FileField in Django Models | Full Guide

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30. Learn How to reset the Django Admin Password in Django Bangla | Django Bangla tutorials.

29. Display News in Detail Page with Dynamic URL in Django Bangla | Django Bangla Tutorials.

28. Using TinyMCE editor for Editing description field data in Django Bangla tutorials.

26. How to get data from Django models in Django Bangla tutorials

Top 5 web frameworks for web development in the future world #django #ruby #react #angular #express

25. How to Create a Model in Django | Django Complete Project in Bangla.

24. What is Model in Django Bangla | Django Bangla tutorial for beginners to advance.

Love Turtle in Python - Learn Python Graphics and Animation with Turtle Module