Все публикации

Lab #2 on Binomial Probabilities

Multimedia Access in Triola

Lab #3 on ANOVA test

Regression on the TI 84 from HW

Scatter Plot on TI 84

HW 19 Question 3 on Critical t-values

Hypothesis Test for Two Dependent Means from HW on TI 84

Hypothesis Test for Two Independent Means from HW on TI 84

TwoProportionConfidenceInterval from Question 5b in HW on Hypothesis Test for Two Proportions

Question 4 from HW on Hypothesis Test for Two Proportions

Hypothesis Test for Two Proportions on TI 84 from HW

Hypothesis Test for Mean on TI 84

Principles of Counting on TI 84

Project #2 - A Statistics Interval

Slope and Marginal Change on the TI 84

Question 9 HW 15 from Hypothesis Test for Proportion on TI 84

Hypothesis Test for Proportion on TI 84

Confidence Interval for Means on TI 84

Confidence Interval for Proportion on TI 84

Central Limit Theorem on TI 84

Order of Operations and Evaluating Numerical Expressions on the TI 84

InvNorm for Any Normal Distribution

Normalcdf for any Normal Distribution

InvNorm for Standard Normal