Все публикации

Golden Orioles (Ranjit Hoskote Poem)

From This Hour The Pledge Is Given (Thomas Moore Poem)

A New Year's Greeting (James Russell Lowell Poem)

In The Seven Woods (William Butler Yeats Poem)

Black Jackets (Thom Gunn Poem)

For Australia (Henry Lawson Poem)

A Kiss (Henry Austin Dobson Poem)

A Mahomedan Ship Fireman (Francis William Lauderdale Adams Poem)

A Passing Glimpse (Robert Frost Poem)

Cherry-Time (Robert Graves Poem)

Foreign Children (Robert Louis Stevenson Poem)

At One O'Clock In The Morning (Charles Baudelaire Poem)

A Barefoot Boy (James Whitcomb Riley Poem)

Death Is Here And Death Is There (Percy Bysshe Shelley Poem)

Chanson (Pierre de Ronsard Poem)

In The Park (Gwen Harwood Poem)

A Revocation (Sir Thomas Wyatt Poem)

Far Away (Ruben Dario Poem)

Changsha (Mao Zedong Poem)

Cheerfulness Taught By Reason (Elizabeth Barrett Browning Poem)

A Protest And A Protest (John Shaw Neilson Poem)

Inversnaid (Gerard Manley Hopkins Poem)

Death Sets A Thing Of Signigicant (Emily Dickinson Poem)

Delos (Lawrence Durrell Poem)