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September ICT Paper | How to Approach and Attempt ICT 840-1 Paper 1 ITEMS in UNEB For New Curriculum

September ICT| How to Approach and Attempt ICT 840-2 Paper 2 ITEM 1 & 2 in UNEB For New Curriculum

Lesson 1| How to Approach and Attempt ICT 840-1 Paper 1 ITEMS in UNEB For New Curriculum

Lesson 4 | How to Answer Scenario Questions in ICT Theory Paper 840-1 Section B Part II - ITEM 4

Lesson 5 | How to Answer Scenario Questions in ICT Theory Paper 840-1 Section A Part II - ITEM 5

Lesson 3 | How to Answer Scenario Questions in ICT Theory Paper 840-1 Section B Part 1 - ITEM 3

Lesson 2 | How to Answer Scenario Questions in ICT Theory Paper 840-1 Section B Part 1 - ITEM 2

Lesson 1 | How to Answer Scenario Questions in ICT Theory Paper 840-1 Section A - ITEM 1

Lesson 9 | Attempting 840 Practical Item 2 on Publications Using Microsoft Publisher

Database Lesson 10 | Working Tables, Forms to Enter Data, Queries, and Use of Switchboards

Lesson 5 | Attempting Practical Item 2 on Website Design Using WordPress

Lesson 4 | Attempting Practical Item 2 on Website Design Using WordPress

Lesson 5 | Attempting Practical Item 2 on Website Design Using Expression Web 4

Lesson 1 | How to install Microsoft Expression Web 4.0 on a Windows PC

Step-by-step process on how to Host Your Designed Website For Free Using GitHub

Elements of Construct In ICT and NLSC Paper Formats in UNEB Finals 2024

How to Approach and Attempt ITEM 1 in UNEB ICT 840-2 For New Curriculum

Spreadsheets Excel Lesson 9: How to Compute for Divisions Using IF(AND) and VLOOKUP For Grades

Workshop On Website Designing and Setting CBC Exams at DOC

Lesson 6 | Using Elementor Plugins to Customize Headers and Footers in WordPress

Lesson 1| Preparing Your Computer Lab For a Website Designing Lesson or Exam To Use WordPress

How to open and repair a presentation in PowerPoint Lesson 6

Lesson 4 | UNEB ICT Sample Item 2 on Website Design attempted Using Expression Web 4

Lesson 3 | UNEB ICT Sample Item 2 on Website Design attempted Using WordPress