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Flies when you try to open a door for them to get out

Flies when you try to open a door for them to get out🤨 #shorts

Dark mode users when they open an app with only light mode🤨#shorts

Dark mode users when they open an app with only light mode

Me randomly thinking about that thing my friend did 2 years ago that still makes me laugh🤨#shorts

When you randomly think about that thing your friend did 2 years ago

POV: Your mom is looking for more chores for you🤨 #shorts

How moms be looking for chores for you to do

When you realize you forgot to do something your mom asked but she's already doing it🤨#shorts

When you realize you forgot to do something your mom asked

Deers when they hear a leaf vs when a car is driving full speed 

Deers when they hear a leaf crunch versus a car driving full speed🤨#shorts 

When a little laugh accidentally slips out in quiet space

When accidentally let out a little laugh in a quiet space 🤨#shorts

When you are hungry but all the food in the house need to be cooked😐#shorts

When you are hungry but all the food in the house need to be cooked

When you turn on the bathroom light at night

Turning the bathroom light in the middle of the night🤨 #shorts

How that one person be dressed in the summer 🤨#shorts

How that one person be dressed during the summer

That one kid when you present in front of the class

POV: you are presenting in front of the class🤨#shorts

When you say something in the groupchat and nobody replies

When you say something in the groupchat and everyone suddenly lost the ability to reply🤨#shorts