Все публикации

IBM 1000+ qubit quantum computer Condor Heron System Two Summary and Highlights

Why scientists are so skeptical of the LK-99 room temperature ambient pressure superconductor

The mighty Intel is now making silicon Quantum chips. But are they actually any good?

The limits of AI and ChatGPT: the common sense problem

Weak people revenge

Google quantum computer's error correction breakthough breakdown

This Time magazine article about quantum computing is a dumpster fire. Here is why (w Simon Devitt)

Is the wormhole in Google's quantum computer actually ... 'nonsense'?

Updates on Osprey 433 qubit quantum computing chip from IBM quantum state of the union.

IBM's new 433 qubit Osprey Quantum Computer. And WTF is quantum volume and CLOPS?

China detecting alien signals: what they actually saw

L9 Mobile phones and microwaves: How Things Work 2022

L23 Grover's algorithm : Introduction to quantum computing course 2022

L10 Microwaves: How Things Work 2022

L22 Deutsch's algorithm : Introduction to quantum computing course 2022

L21 Quantum computers and quantum gates : Introduction to quantum computing course 2022

L8 Radio waves: How Things Work 2022

L20 Quantum computers and quantum gates : Introduction to quantum computing course 2022

L18 Schrodinger's equation and unitary operations : Introduction to quantum computing course 2022

L19 Quantum computers and quantum gates: Introduction to quantum computing course 2022

L7 Magnetism electromagnetism LC circuits: How Things Work 2022

L6 Plasma ball + Photocopier: How Things Work 2022

L17 Schrodinger's equation and unitary operations : Introduction to quantum computing course 2022

L5 Photocopy machine and plasma ball: How Things Work 2022