Все публикации

Eliminate Grid Sensitivity | Bag of Freebies (Yolov4) | Essentials of Object Detection

GIoU vs DIoU vs CIoU | Losses | Essentials of Object Detection

Feature Pyramid Network | Neck | Essentials of Object Detection

Bounding Box Prediction | Yolo | Essentials of Object Detection

Anchor Boxes | Essentials of Object Detection

Intersection Over Union (IoU) | Essentials of Object Detection

A Better Detection Head | Essentials of Object Detection

Detection Head | Essentials of Object Detection

Reshape,Permute,Squeeze,Unsqueeze made simple using einops | The Gems

Image & Bounding Box Augmentation using Albumentations | Essentials of Object Detection

Bounding Box Formats | Essentials of Object Detection

Object Detection introduction and an overview | Essentials of Object Detection

Softmax (with Temperature) | Essentials of ML

Grouped Convolution - Visually Explained + PyTorch/numpy code | Essentials of ML

Convolution, Kernels and Filters - Visually Explained + PyTorch/numpy code | Essentials of ML

Matching patterns using Cross-Correlation | Essentials of ML

Let's make the Correlation Machine | Essentials of ML

Reparameterization Trick - WHY & BUILDING BLOCKS EXPLAINED!

Variational Autoencoder - VISUALLY EXPLAINED!


Metropolis-Hastings - VISUALLY EXPLAINED!

Markov Chains - VISUALLY EXPLAINED + History!

Monte Carlo Methods - VISUALLY EXPLAINED!

Conjugate Prior - Use & Limitations CLEARLY EXPLAINED!