Все публикации

Cataract Surgery vs LASIK. What’s the difference? #cataract #cataractsurgery #lasik

How to improve your vision after cataract surgery #cataract #blurryvision #lasik #cataractsurgery

Do these 2 things before starting an expensive medication for dry eye syndrome #dryeyes

This is how we treat Glaucoma #glaucoma #eyedoctor #eyehealth

4 things your surgeon didn’t tell you was going to happen right after cataract surgery #cataract

What causes cataracts? #cataract #blurryvision #cataractreview #eyesurgery

What causes cataracts?

If you wake up with dry eyes, do these 2 things

What is Monovision?

What is glaucoma?

GLAUCOMA VS CATARACTS The Shocking Truth Revealed

If you’ve had RK, do this everyday #rk #blurryvision

Had RK? Don't Get Cataract Surgery Without Watching This!

Will you have to wear glasses after cataract surgery? #cataract #cataractsurgery

3 things to do for eye pain related to sinusitis #sinusitis #eyepain #warmcompress

Do these 2 things to alleviate eye strain when staring at screens #eyestrain #blink

Never use Visine for red eyes, here’s why #redeyes #redeyedrops

This is the Best eye drop for eye allergies #eyeallergy #itchyeyes #eyeinflammation

What is a cataract? The best ever explanation of cataract development #cataractsymptoms #cataract

Sleep hygiene and dry eye syndrome. Wear a sleep eye mask to help with morning symptoms

Cataract surgery offers LASIK like results #cataract #cataractsurgery

Wet Macular Degeneration explained #maculardegeneration #amd

Treatments for macular degeneration have advanced greatly. #amd #eyesurgery

When you get metal in your eye, this is how we remove it. #metalineye #cornealforeignbody